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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Now I Know What Was Up With Charlotte

Well unfortunately the whole thing happened when it was too dark to photograph anything, so you're just going to have to trust me on this.

 Now I know why Charlotte has been acting so strangely and Mr. Studly has been hanging around.  The whole time he was doing his innocent, who me? routine, he was waiting for just the right moment.  He was waiting for the nanosecond that Charlotte went into season and it happened last night.  I had just put out my treats when I saw Charlotte scoot past me and Pixie and Vivi came up to get a snack.  Then as I was watching, I saw him sidle up to the group and nothing too unusual happened for about a minute.  Then he exploded. He started making all of these very loud grunting noises and then he reared and stood straight and I do mean straight up.  He was entirely vertical.  He held on to a branch for a second and then after this display, he pounced on Charlotte, who somehow managed to get away.  She took off, faster than I've ever seen her run and he was right behind her.

Well if he caught up with her, I guess there will be a fawn next spring and if he didn't, I suppose he will continue until he succeeds.

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