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Saturday, December 5, 2009


Charlotte and Pixie were just here and Charlotte was totaly freaked out.  She kept looking over her shoulder and licking her hips. I guess she was torn there as well.  Once she even turned and walked away to where she could see into the fields behind her.  I guess if there was a human bully/rapist lurking out there, I'd be nervous too. Pixie was nervous as well. So,  I decided not to stress them further by shooting pictures.  It will probably be a week or more before I do it again.  I want her to calm down.  Suffice it to say, I'll be getting Mare14 (a mare and foal feed) for her. 

This isn't the way it is with horses.  Kitt never met a male, stallion or gelding, she just didn't love to bits and when we had a stallion at the barn, it was all I could do to keep her from sashaying herself right up to his stall any chance she could get.  I swear she would swing her hips and bat her eyes at him and we don't even want to go into the winky routine.  Those of you with mares know what I'm talking about.

Oh yes, it's snowing and it's beautiful.

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